Note that after a simulation is finished, map colors will be conveniently autoconfigured to show the difference of results (pressure, flow, etc.) among the network elements. Selected color ranges and the configuration regarding network results can be modified at any time by the user. The visualization is established individually for each layer and it is accessible from the “Layer Explorer” after right clicking the desired layer and selecting the option “Edit Visualization” from the contextual menu (see figure below).
Visualization categories can be added for each layer. In this context, a visualization category represents a group of visualization characteristics associated with a set of conditions that an element should fulfill to belong to this category. For example, a category can be defined, which uses the color red for all nodes with a pressure under 15 meters of water column. In this case, a new category should be added to the category table and its color should be set to red. Subsequently a new condition should be added to the category in order to consider only those elements with a pressure under 15 meters of water column. To add a new condition the category should be first selected in the category table (see picture below). After clicking on the button “Add new Condition” (see picture below) a new condition will be added to the selected category. If more than one condition is added to a category then a logical AND will be applied to all of them to determine if an element belongs to the corresponding category or not.
It is essential to know that the first category in the table is always considered the default visualization category. Newer categories will have a priority provided an element belongs to more than one category. For example, if you add a new category (newer categories are always placed at the end of the table) and set the color green for all nodes having a pressure for water columns bigger than 10 meters, then a node for 14 meters water column would belong to two categories at the same time: the category of nodes with less than 15 meters pressure and the category of nodes with more than 10 meters pressure. In this instance the priority is given to the category last named (nodes with more than 10 meters pressure). And the node will be represented in green. Even though simulation results can be visualized with colors to have a global idea of the behavior of the network, the table view will offer additional more detailed information of the results for each single element. Numeric values (see figure below) can be easily filtered or sorted for a better interpretation of results. Selected elements of the table view will be automatically shown as selected at the map view.