As a first step, we are going to draw a network model using the figure below as an example. For now , you only need to ensure that the elements of the model you are creating have IDs corresponding to the figure below. Please note, the IDs shown in this image are connected to the property values that will be assigned later to each element of the model.
In order to draw a network using EPANET, we place nodes in the drawing space first. Nodes are used to display reservoirs, tanks and junctions. You can find the symbol of a tank on. the toolbar for our first task, as shown in the following figure.
The functionality to insert tanks in the hydraulic network model is activated by clicking the tank icon. Once this functionality has been activated, whenever you click on anyplace in the drawing space, a new tank is inserted. Let us start by drawing a tank with the ID 1 (see figure below).
The same process can be followed to add other nodes. In that case, select the tool corresponding to the type of node you want to insert from the toolbar and then click in the drawing space to insert nodes one by one. Initially, we won’t prioritize a perfect alignment of the elements. It is sufficient to have something approximated to the position of the nodes shown in the figure below.
To display the ID of an element, click on the “View” in the menu bar and then select “Options”. Choose “Notation” in the pop-up window and check the box Display “Node IDs”. You can also check the box “Display Link ID’s” to show the ID of any link inserted in the model (see figure below). Verify that the nodes have been assigned the right ID’s. They need to be consistent with the given project data.
The next step is to draw links between the network nodes. Note that EPANET recognizes valves, pumps and pipes as links. In this first exercise we use pipes as an example to draw links. In order to do so, first, select the pipe element from the toolbar to activate the inserting pipes function as shown in the see figure below.
To insert a new pipe you should click on the starting node (considered by default as the upstream node) and then click on the end node (considered by default as the downstream node). By clicking on the Tank 1 (start) for instance and then on the node 2 (end) you create a pipe going from the Tank 1 to the mentioned node
In order to visualize the IDs of the pipes the same procedure as previously described applies. In this case, the pipe IDs should be visible provided you have checked the box “Display Link IDs” (View–Options-Notation) as already indicated. The next stage of creating a model is to adjust its layout. In order to accomplish this move a node, select the cursor from the Select Object function of the toolbar, and then choose a node, click and hold to move it (see figure below).
To adjust links, the function “Select Vertex” from the toolbar can be used. This function is enabled only when a single pipe has been selected.
The function “Select Vertex” can also be activated by right clicking on any pipe (link) and selecting the option “Vertices” from the contextual menu that will then appear. Once the function “Select Vertex” has been activated, the individual vertices of a pipe can be moved by selecting the vertex, holding the right click and subsequently dragging the vertex to the desired position (see figure below)