what would be the best way to achieve a digital transformation in the praxis? Something radical, faster, slower, implemented by yourself, fully outsourced? Our approach is […]
The estimation of the current state of a water distribution system based on digital models and observed measurements and the estimation of the system state in the future or […]
This guide will help you to install WATERing in your computer and start the application for the first time. If you don’t have the installation file already in your computer you can download WATERing from this post. Note that you don’t need any subscription or license to install WATERing. The application will be installed and started by default as Community Edition. Once you have successfully completed the installation you can follow this other guide to request/activate the type of license recommended for you. The installation will take care to check and install when necessary, all the components your computer need for running WATERing. You can do the installation your self or request us to do it for you. […]
WATERing facilitates the creation of hydraulic models to the end user by bringing full flexibility for importing data, providing automatic functions for checking and repairing models and including advanced graphic edition tools. This post is dedicated to the advanced graphic edition tools that makes possible […]